Today is Thanksgiving which, naturally enough, helps me remember to show gratitude, to be thankful.
So, what do I want to show gratitude for this year?

By: Satya Murthy
Gratitude 2014
I’d like to show gratitude for…
- …the best spouse I could have ever asked for. I seriously don’t deserve my wife! She has literally helped me become a better person. Literally.
- …the transformative power of Jesus to change lives, starting with mine. I’ve had a front-row seat this year as Jesus has flipped my life over and the lives of some people close to me as well.
- …my families, both my given one and my chosen one. The level of support that my wife and I have experienced from our parents, siblings, and extended relatives has been indescribable. And our fictive family, our chosen set of friends, have blessed us beyond belief as well. It’s been incredibly humbling!
- …my cousin Wendy, her parents Christy and Wade, and her kids. As our lives are beginning to dovetail with theirs due to our adoption scenario, we couldn’t be happier at the possibilities for grace and beauty that will flow both ways. God is good.
- …how welcoming our neighborhood has been. We moved to a new neighborhood this March and it’s been great! We’ve enjoyed sharing Alida’s baking, cooking out, and enjoying hours of enlightening conversation.
- …Lake Avenue Church, our local church home. We’ve been inspired there, served there, worked there, made and found community there, and have been given opportunities to lead there. Gratitude doesn’t begin to express our feelings about our spiritual family!
- …health and comfort. My wife and I have a great life. We’re blessed. But we know that being blessed comes with a responsibility to be a blessing in the lives of others, especially those who don’t have health and comfort. May we be moved to demonstrated and speak the love of Jesus where Jesus has placed us, where we work, live, and play.
- …people in my life who are very different than my wife and I. We’ve been stretched by the diversity and it hasn’t always been fun or easy. But I know without a shadow of a doubt that we’ve grown.
What in your life causes you to feel gratitude?
Express it in the comments below!
Happy Thanksgiving!